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글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

인하대 국제관계연구소-하와이대학교 한국학 연구소 국제학술대회 공동 개최

  • 작성일 2023.02.20
  • 작성자관리자
  • 조회수302

International Conference: Justice, Identity Politics, and Public Diplomacy
In this conference, speakers will discuss several contemporary issues in Korea including challenges to the criminal justice system in South Korea, social integration of foreign immigrants and in Korea, recent development in Korean education, social barriers to inclusion and equality in sport and physical activity participation inherent in the foreign workers community in South Korea, labor immigration policies in the agricultural sector in South Korea, the role of Korean cultural and artistic activities for Soviet Korean identity in Tashkent, and the linkages between Korean democracy, transitional society, and international law.