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전체 27건 페이지 1/ 3

  • 마이애미 거주 쿠바계 한인들의 연쇄/초국적 모빌리티와 도시 경험 (배진숙)

    Abstract This article examines the serial migration experiences and racial and ethnic identities of Korean Cuban Americans, focusing especially on those who have resided or currently reside in Miami, Florida. This research first examines the motives for Korean Cubans’ serial migratory movements from Korea to or within the Americas. Based on the results of questionnaire surveys, it also analyzes Korean Cubans’ formation of their ethnic identities, considering the urban landscape of the metropolitan Miami area. Participants noted that Miami’s well-developed Cuban cultural environment was conducive for forming and maintaining their identity as Cubans. However, some were discriminated against by non-Korean Cubans in Miami because of their appearance as Asian or mixed individuals. It is expected that this article, by shedding light on serial migration and urban experiences among the underrepresented segments of Cuban and Korean diasporas, will contribute to a multifaceted and deeper understanding of the experiences of both Latino and Asian diasporas.   원문은 아래 링크(KISS)에서 확인 가능합니다. https://kiss.kstudy.com/Detail/Ar?key=4089731

  • 중국의 대북 딜레마와 새로운 접근 방식 : 혈맹관계에서 운명공동체로의 전환* (장영덕)

    논문초록 이 논문은 시진핑 집권 이후 중국이 직면한 대북 딜레마를 분석하고, 북한에 대한 새로운 접근 방식을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 중국과 북한의 관계는 흔히 혈맹관계로 인식되지만, 중국은 이를 부인하고 전통적 우호관계로 규정한다. 시진핑 집권 초기 중국은 북핵문제와 북한문제를 동일시 하였고, 북한의 무력도발로 인해 북중관계는 악화되었다. 그러나 2018년 이후 중국은 북핵 문제와 북한 문제를 분리하여 접근하기 시작하였고, 북중관계는 다시 회복된다. 중국은 주변외교를 강화하는 한편 북한을 운명공동체로 규정함으로써 새로운 형태의 관계를 구축하고자 한다. 특히 운명공동체는 ‘풍우동주’ 및 ‘휴척여공’의 개념으로 이는 정치,경제, 사회, 문화 영역 외에 군사 영역까지 포함하는 매우 적극적인 관계의 형태이다. 중국의 대북 딜레마는 여전히 존재하고, 북한의 정치상황과 미중관계의 변화가 지속하는 상황에서 중국의 대북 접근법에 대해 새로운 관점이 필요하다.   원문은 아래 링크(KCI)에서 확인 가능합니다 중국의 대북 딜레마와 새로운 접근 방식 : 혈맹관계에서 운명공동체로의 전환 (kci.go.kr)          

  • Cross-Border Data Dynamics : An Analysis of China's Cybersecurity Law under TBT Compliance* (Yin ...

    Abstract This paper examines the controversies surrounding China’s Cybersecurity Law and evaluates whether this law violates the provisions of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement. The primary reason countries consider China’s Cybersecurity Law as a TBT is due to its restrictions on cross-border data flows. The analysis reveals that the core issue behind differing national attitudes towards cross-border data flows lies in the significant differences in how key stakeholders define cybersecurity. Therefore, leading cyber powers should prioritize reaching a consensus on defining cybersecurity terms. Countries should enhance their cybersecurity strategies by issuing and refining relevant administrative regulations, departmental rules, and normative documents to provide a solid implementation foundation for network operators and law enforcement agencies. Additionally, given its significant economic relationship with China, the Korean government emphasizes the need for a balanced approach todata localization and cross-border data flow policies to ensure both national security and economic growth.   원문은 아래 링크(KCI)에서 확인 가능합니다. Cross-Border Data Dynamics : An Analysis of China's Cybersecurity Law under TBT Compliance (kci.go.kr)    

  • Overseas Koreans and New Governance Making in Korea (이진영)

      논문초록   This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the recent issues surroundingoverseas Koreans in Korea and the governance construction efforts by the Koreangovernment through laws and institutions to address them. With up to approxi-mately 1 million overseas Koreans residing in Korea out of a total of 7.08 million,issues related to immigration to Korea are also pertinent. The burgeoning popula-tion of overseas Koreans and their demands not only affect the central govern-ment’s policies but also impact local communities. This article aims to explorehow the Korean society is legally and institutionally responding to the recent surgein the population of overseas Koreans within Korea. To achieve this goal, the arti-cle focuses on three aspects. First, it analyzes the increase in the population ofoverseas Koreans in Korean society over the past two decades along with the asso-ciated issues from the perspectives of immigration, ethnicity, overseas Koreans,laws and institutions, and central and local governments. Second, it examines thenew laws, institutions, and the interrelationship between the government and over-seas Koreans that have been developed to address the issues raised. Third, it eval-uates the characteristics of the newly established governance of overseas Koreansand identifies any associated problems. Additionally, it discusses the implicationsof the Korean case compared with other countries’ cases. In the era of globaliza-tion and increased human mobility, this article contributes to understandingKorean society’s perspective on and policies toward the group of overseasKoreans in the context of laws and institutions.   원문은 아래 링크(Wiley Online Library, Pacific Focus)에서 확인 가능합니다.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pafo.12249  

  • Social Integration of Foreign Immigrants in South Korean Local Communities (고상두)

        논문초록   The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolving cooperativedynamics of immigrant policy in South Korea, emphasizing the interac-tions between central and local governments, as well as among variouslocal authorities. It discusses the need to empower local governmentswith greater authority and responsibility in implementing immigrant poli-cies, highlighting the importance of collaboration, coordination, andcooperation across multiple layers of governance. The article focuses ontwo case studies, the National Multicultural City Council (NMCC)and the Multicultural Immigrants Plus Center (MIPC), to illustrate thepractical implications of this multi-layered governance approach. Thetheoretical implications of the case studies are rooted in the concept ofmulti-layered governance (MLG) and its application to immigrant policygovernance, providing valuable perspectives for understanding and opti-mizing immigrant policy implementation across diverse socio-politicalcontexts.   원문은 아래 링크(Wiley Online Library, Pacific Focus)에서 확인 가능합니다.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pafo.12247

  • Korea's Practice on Refugee Protection: Focusing on the Refugee Act and Relevant Court Cases (이...

      논문초록 The Republic of Korea became the first country in East Asia to enact its ownrefugee law, which has been in force since 2013. While the enactment of thenew Refugee Act provided a critical momentum for Korea’s refugee policy toshift from mere immigration control to a more human rights–based approach,Korea has often come under fire for its low rate of refugee admittance. As thenumber of refugee applicants in Korea has drastically surged in recent years,there remain important issues such as improving the efficiency of the refugeeadmissions process. This article explores the key provisions of Korea’s Refu-gee Act along with recent legislative proposals to amend the Refugee Act,and it highlights some court decisions related to refugee issues. By analyzingthe relevant law, court cases, and government policies of Korea, this articleexplores the possibility of setting Korea up as a good exemplar of upholdingthe values of refugee protection in the Asian region.   원문은 아래 링크(Wiley Online Library, Pacific Focus)에서 확인 가능합니다.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pafo.12245

  • Presenting Soviet Korean Identity in a Multicultural Society: Activities of Korean Kolkhoz Polito...

        논문초록   This study explores the overview of Soviet Koreans’ performing arts activi-ties in Uzbekistan, with a particular focus on the activities of the SovietKorean kolkhoz Politotdel’s ensemble Cheongchun during the 1970s and1980s. It aims to clarify the roles and implications of the ensemble in amulticultural society. Since the late 1950s, the Soviet Korean kolkhozes,including Politotdel in the Chirchiq district of the Tashkent oblast,Uzbekistan, have experienced remarkable economic growth. In the culturalmilieu of the Korean people, dance and music were inherently intertwined,occupying a significant position. Initially established as a vocal-instrumentalensemble, Cheongchun always integrated dance and music in its presenta-tions, with dance performances playing a crucial role. An official dancetroupe was formed in 1976, and in 1984, it was merged with the ensembleGayageum. Artistic director and dance teacher Jeong-wook Hwang (1940–),who studied dance in Pyeongyang, Moscow, and Tashkent, made significantcontributions to fostering exchanges with North Korean dancers and activelyincorporating Seung-hee Choi’s North Korean dance elements. Cheongchunhas played a pivotal role in promoting Korean dance and music not only inUzbekistan but also across the entire Soviet Union and the United States,thereby visualizing the identity and positive image of Soviet Koreans asexemplary citizens in a multicultural society.   원문은 아래 링크(Wiley Online Library, Pacific Focus)에서 확인 가능합니다.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pafo.12246    

  • Editor’s Note: Ethnicity, Migration, andGovernance in Korea (Jean Young Lee)

        원문은 아래 링크(Wiley Online Library, Pacific Focus)에서 확인 가능합니다.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pafo.12250      

  • 우크라이나 전쟁의 동북아 지역 영향과 한국의 대러 전략 및 과제(고상두)

      논문초록 이 글은 우크라이나 전쟁 이후 한중일 3국은 어떠한 대러 외교 전략을 취하고 있는지? 그리고 한국에게 필요한 독자적 대러 전략은 무엇인지? 이러한 질문에 대한 답을 제시하고자 한다. 동북아 지역은 냉전적 질서가 잔존하고 현실주의가 지배하는 지역이다. 이러한 특성이 우크라이나 전쟁 이후 더욱 강화되고 있다. 대결 친화적인 현실주의 전략 사고가 강화되고 있는 동북아에서 한국은 어떻게 하면 중국이나 일본과는 다른 협력 친화적인 외교 전략을 수립할 수 있을까? 이러한 연구목적을 위해 본 논문은 우크라이나 전쟁이 한반도와 동북아 끼치는 영향을 살펴보고, 한러 관계의 안정적 관리를 위해 우리는 어떠한 전략을 수립하고 추진하는 것이 바람직한지 제시하고자 한다.   원문은 아래 링크<한국학술지인용색인 KCI>에서 확인 가능합니다 https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/ci/sereArticleSearch/ciSereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART002974221  

  • The dual nature of constraints on foreign worker participation in sports and physical activity in...

        논문초록   This study provides a different understanding of the constraints imposed by the pandemic and the official and unofficial restrictions that accompanied it. It is an empirical effort demonstrating that the pandemic's effects are not purely negative, but rather, also helped to produce positive and productive practices that draw upon both the inhibiting and enabling features of the constraints it triggered. Engaging with “productive power” in Foucault by considering constraints as practices that both inhibit and enable, the empirical goal of this paper is to explore how pandemic-related constraints on sports and physical activity prohibit foreign worker participation in sports and physical activity. It also examines how the constraints encourage them to pursue an active life in new and unique ways. To achieve this goal, the paper examines the South Korean context, particularly unskilled foreign workers with E-9 visas for non-professional employment in the fishing, farming, and manufacturing industries and their involvement in sports and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings address three “inhibitors” that specifically prevented foreign workers from getting actively involved, then demonstrate that explicit restrictions on sports and physical activity can be transformed into four “enablers” that encouraged foreign workers to participate. The conclusion offers critical reflections on Foucault's “ethical subject,” followed by the limitations and implications of the study.   원문은 아래 링크<https://www.frontiersin.org>에서 확인 가능합니다   https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2023.1181414  
