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글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Inha K-Academic Diffusion Research Center 2022 Conference on Korean Studies

  • Created 2022.06.17
  • Writer관리자
  • Views583

Greeting from Inha Center for International Studies (CIS). 
We are excited to invite you to our K-Center's 2022 Conference on Korean Studies.
The conference theme is "Korean Studies in Political Diplomacy and Social Science: A Direction to Convergence Korean Studies". 
Professors and Researchers from six countries will deliver their speeches on Korean Studies education and research trend around major regions  
in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania, and Eurasia. In addition, major discussions at the conference will mainly revolve around the direction of content development and education for Korean studies.
Date: 24 June 2022, 10:00~18:00 (GMT +9)
- Online:  Zoom https://url.kr/8l6hry  (ID: 899 693 8493/PW: 736500)
                 Youtube link:  https://youtu.be/DNoUzjIRLh4
- Offline: 6th-floor Meeting Room, Chungseok Memorial Library, Inha University, South Korea
Please refer that this conference will be operated in the Korean language only.
We look forward to your support and participation. 
Thank you.