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[2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 2nd Colloquium] Research Trends of Korean Studies in the United States

  • Created 2022.10.04
  • Writer관리자
  • Views573

The K-Academic Diffusion Research Center is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 2nd Colloquium of 2022-23 K-Academic Project.
The 2nd Colloquium will be held virtually on Zoom and YouTube under the theme of “Research Trends of Korean Studies in the United States” by Professor Emeritus Clark Sorensen from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Professor Sorensen will provide a comprehensive picture of Korean studies in America involving on-going research trends, critical issues, up-to-date themes, and challenges in the study of Korea within the social sciences.
Date: October 21, 2022 (Fri) 13:00-14:00 (Seoul)
        ID : 899 693 8493
        PW : 736500
Please indicate your intention to attend the colloquium by emailing Dasom Lee (k-academy@inha.ac.kr).