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2023-2024 Inha CIS K-Academic, 5th Colloquium

  • Created 2024.06.05
  • PresenterKazunori Kawamura
  • Views26
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, the K-Academic Diffusion Research Center held the 5th colloquium of its third year as part of the "Identity Politics Series," inviting Kazunori Kawamura, Professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences at Tohoku University. The colloquium, themed "Local Elections and Digital Technology," provided an opportunity to examine the utilization of digital technology by local council members in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic, factors hindering the digitalization of local councils in Japan, and the response of local councils in Korea to digitalization.
The event was moderated by Prof. Sangjoon Kim of Political Science and International Relations at Yonsei University. Discussants included Jean-Young Lee, Director of the Inha CIS; Dong-Chan Kim, former Ambassador to Croatia; Prof. Juchan Kim of Public Administration at Kwangwoon University; Chung-Seok Oh, former Director of the Korean Cultural Center in Italy; Byung-Han Park, former YTN Economic News Reporter; and Seung-Jae Lee, Research Fellow at the Inha CIS.