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International Conference

International Conference

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Korean Studies and Contending Issues Between Mongolia and Korea

  • Created 2024.05.10
  • Presenter2024-05-10
  • Views40

On May 10, the Inha CIS, in collaboration with the School of International Relations and Public Administration of National University of Mongolia, co-hosted an international academic conference at the Parev Hotel in Jeju under the theme "Korean Studies and Contending Issues Between Mongolia and Korea."

The conference, jointly organized by the Inha CIS and the School of International Relations at the National University of Mongolia, and sponsored by the Academy of Korean Studies, featured opening remarks from Jean-Young Lee, Director of the Inha CIS, and Munkhbat Sonomdarjaa, Dean of the School of International Relations at the National University of Mongolia. The academic conference was conducted in three sessions with presentations and discussions.
The first session's theme was "Korean Studies and New Wave of K-Academics Program," the second session focused on "Development and Cooperation in Global Society," and the third session covered "Migration, Ethnicity and Culture between Mongolia and Korea." Each session was moderated by Professor Sangtu Ko (Yonsei University), Professor Euikon Kim (Inha University), and Professor Seokwoo Lee (Inha University), respectively.
Presenters at the conference included Research Fellow Kyunghee Cho (Inha University), Professor Suweon Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Professor Yoshinori Kaseda (Ritsumeikan University), Professor Jin Suk Bae (Konkuk University), Professor Baasankhuu Ganbaatar (National University of Mongolia), Professor Munkh-Ulzii Batmunkh (National University of Mongolia), and Professor Battogtokh Javzandolgor (National University of Mongolia). Discussants included Professor Seokwon Song (Kyung Hee University), Professor Seongjin Kim (Duksung Women's University), Research Fellow Seung-Jae Lee (Inha University), and Research Fellow Xing Siyao (Inha University).